Title: Spilt Milk: Devotions for Moms
Author: Linda Vujnov
Published: 2009
As a busy mom with 5 kids and 1 husband I find myself putting a couple things last in my life. One of those is myself (unfortunately) and the other one is my relationship with God (extra, super duper unfortunately). This book has helped me to put a little focus on both of those things every day. This book is made up of short, little 3 or 4 page anecdotes that will speak to you as a mom, wife, and woman. At the end of each devotion is a short Bible verse that pertains to not only the previous story but is also something that you can take with you into your daily life. I have found myself reading those verses at the end of each devotion and thinking, "This is SO what I needed to read today!" This book has made me laugh out loud, cry, and appreciate my role in life a lot more. In just a few minutes a day you can recharge and refocus. This is a must read for all moms!
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